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Lite Trader | Market Data*

NameLast Known PriceBid PriceAsk PriceLowHighVolume
        OSTKP                           US$15.50                     —                          —              —                —                   1

Values could be different at the time of trading.

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Last Updated: 1/31/2019, 4:45:12 PM

* Digital securities order and trade data on this website have been effected through the Pro ATS, operated by Pro Securities LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Goodsecurities. Pro Securities LLC is a broker dealer registered with the SEC and a member of FINRA and SIPC. Data is provided by Pro Securities, LLC and may be delayed. Goodsecurities does not verify any data and disclaims any obligation to do so. The Pro ATS is a closed system for matching buy and sell orders available only to its broker dealer subscribers. Pro Securities does not accept orders from non-broker dealers, nor does it hold, own or sell securities. More information about Pro Securities may be found at