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Tokenizer For X

The Next Gen Tokenizer

End-to-end trusted Tokenization Platform to issue, manage & trade Utility, Security or Asset tokens

Tokens - Changing the Future to Digital Assets

Technology is transcending a new path in terms of trading & securities ecosystems, by adapting to Blockchain technology. The birth of crypto tokens has so happened, just to convert illiquid assets to liquids. The crypto tokens can be tethered to securities such as crypto bonds/equity shares/assets.

Goodsecurities, with its unparalleled track record, offers a feature-rich compliant platform for digitizing & liquidating assets on the blockchain while ensuring the legal compliance of securities’ tokens.

Types of Tokenization Platforms

Utility Token Platform

Utility tokens are built as a method of fundraising for any entity. The tokens can be built on various blockchain platforms such as EOS, Hyperledger, Stellar, etc. or on tailor-made blockchain platform. Non-fungible utility tokens can also be built in order to have a unique identity which can’t be traded for other tokens.

Security Token Platform

Security Tokens are either backed up crypto bonds/shares/assets. The tokens can be built on various existing blockchain platforms, depending on the business needs; or can also be built on a custom-made Blockchain platform.

Asset Tokenization Platform

The tokens are backed up assets such as real estate property, art, gold, etc. The tokens can be created either by leveraging the existing blockchain platforms such as Ethereum, Hyperledger, etc. or on custom-built blockchain platform.

Why Tokenize?

Minimalism is in order: Tokenization of Securities makes things easier, faster and radically upgradable for the traditional market, thereby making the trading lives of investors easy, efficient and cost-effective.

Some of the advantages include:

  • Legal Compliance
  • Programmable Securities
  • Increased Liquidity
  • 24*7 Market Accessibility
  • Fractionalization of Ownership
  • No Intermediaries
  • Cost-effective
  • Transparency

What is a Tokenizer for X?

A tokenizer is a tokenization platform, in order to issue utility tokens, security tokens, or asset tokens. It is imperative to use an end-to-end integrated platform with built-in security & regulatory compliance, incl. of KYC/AML automation, neoteric technology to draw smart contracts, et al.

Goodsecurities provides Tokenizer/Tokenization as a Service (TaaS). As one of the leading pioneers in the Blockchain development landscape, we have the expertise to cater to your requirements by establishing a custom-made ethereum/hyperledger/stellar or to your own customized blockchain tokenization platform.

Some features of the Tokenizer include:
  • End-to-end platform development
  • Legal compliance
  • Lifecycle management
  • Unique identification of tokens
  • Globalized KYC/AML Verification
  • Multi-ledger Security Token Development
  • Crypto/native tokens or fiat currency as a payment gateway
  • Automated Compliance with Blockchain & Smart Contracts
  • Automated Policy & Regulations with Smart Contracts
  • Automated Reporting to Regulatory Authorities
  • Tokens issued have an interoperability layer for exchanges across the world

Blockchains for Tokenization Platform


Ethereum platform offers an open-source blockchain with SDK functionality. The tokens created in this platform can be either ERC20/ERC721 compliant. Non-fungible tokens are built on ERC721 token type. At Goodsecurities, we build smart contracts to optimize gas prices.


We develop peer-to-peer Blockchain network on the Hyperledger composer that offers transparency, security, enables collaboration, scalability, etc. The solution can be deployed across various industries and organizations that require a personalized blockchain.


We develop a blockchain on Stellar to trade across borders in no time, between any pair of currencies. The tokens built on this platform are “Lumen” compliant. This platform is more banking-sector friendly, providing a cost-effective and flexible mode of expansion.

Customized Blockchain

We, at Goodsecurities, carefully-craft a solution with tailor-made features that are exclusively entitled to your line of business; we construct a prototype and design a need-of-the-hour blockchain platform, with top-notch technology, that matches with your business demands.

Tokenizer Development Pricing Package

Legally Compliant Token Architecture Pakage 1 Pakage 2 Pakage 3
Blockchain Platforms
Customized Blockchain Network
Smart Contract Creation
Landing Page with Clear Communication of Vision
Admin Dashboard & Investor Dashboard
Review of the core project documents
Completely optimised professional Whitepaper written by an expert
Recommendations on White Paper, webpage, key press releases
Drafting or review of legal documents Terms of Use, agreements, Privacy Policy, warranties, disclaimers, risk factors
Tokenizer Marketing
Marketing consultations Guidance on marketing tools setup from Development Experts
Consultations on Platform PR specifics Ongoing consulting throughout the PR campaign
Preset PPC account with predefined keywords and targeted tools Reach the target audience through applied marketing strategies
Targeted marketing strategy 65+ battle-tested tools for your team to use, with impact description
Featured Article on Steemit, HuffingtonPost and Medium
Dedicated 2 person Platform-specific marketing team manning Reddit, Telegram and Slack Channel
Evangelising on Facebook and Twitter
Legally Compliant Token Architecture
Pakage 1
Blockchain Platforms
Smart Contract Creation
Landing Page with Clear Communication of Vision
Admin Dashboard & Investor Dashboard
Review of the core project documents
Recommendations on White Paper, webpage, key press releases
Drafting or review of legal documents Terms of Use, agreements, Privacy Policy, warranties, disclaimers, risk factors
Legally Compliant Token Architecture
Pakage 2
Blockchain Platforms
Customized Blockchain Network
Smart Contract Creation
Landing Page with Clear Communication of Vision
Admin Dashboard & Investor Dashboard
Review of the core project documents
Completely optimised professional Whitepaper written by an expert
Recommendations on White Paper, webpage, key press releases
Drafting or review of legal documents Terms of Use, agreements, Privacy Policy, warranties, disclaimers, risk factors
Tokenizer Marketing
Marketing consultations Guidance on marketing tools setup from Development Experts
Consultations on Platform PR specifics Ongoing consulting throughout the PR campaign
Preset PPC account with predefined keywords and targeted tools Reach the target audience through applied marketing strategies
Targeted marketing strategy 65+ battle-tested tools for your team to use, with impact description
Featured Article on Steemit, HuffingtonPost and Medium
Dedicated 2 person Platform-specific marketing team manning Reddit, Telegram and Slack Channel
Evangelising on Facebook and Twitter
Legally Compliant Token Architecture
Pakage 3
Blockchain Platforms
Smart Contract Creation
Landing Page with Clear Communication of Vision
Admin Dashboard & Investor Dashboard
Review of the core project documents
Completely optimised professional Whitepaper written by an expert
Recommendations on White Paper, webpage, key press releases
Drafting or review of legal documents Terms of Use, agreements, Privacy Policy, warranties, disclaimers, risk factors
Tokenizer Marketing
Marketing consultations Guidance on marketing tools setup from Development Experts
Consultations on Platform PR specifics Ongoing consulting throughout the PR campaign
Preset PPC account with predefined keywords and targeted tools Reach the target audience through applied marketing strategies
Targeted marketing strategy 65+ battle-tested tools for your team to use, with impact description
Featured Article on Steemit, HuffingtonPost and Medium
Dedicated 2 person Platform-specific marketing team manning Reddit, Telegram and Slack Channel
Evangelising on Facebook and Twitter