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Tokenized Assets Offering

Tokenized Assets Offering
Legally Compliant Asset-Backed Tokens!

Get Started with our advance asset tokenization platform

Tokenized Asset Offering

Tokenization of Things is the buzzword at the moment around the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. Large conglomerates and financial giants have started to move into Tokenized Asset Offerings(TAO) and offering Tokenization as a Service(TaaS). The cryptocurrency market has evolved itself from Bitcoin to ICOs and now to TAOs. The expansion of cryptos into the asset tokenization is a natural progression since it allows traditional real estate, art galleries and illiquid asset classes to move into blockchain.

Tokenized Asset Offering paves way for a financial markets to move into blockchain through automated KYC/AML, investor verification and a fully transparent voting rights.

  • More Compliance
  • The inclusion of Institutional Investors & Fund Managers
  • Liquidity of the Illiquid Assets
  • Transparent, Efficient & Scalable
  • Reduction in Illiquidity Discounts/ Liquidity Premiums
  • Reduction of Spread Charges

Types of Asset Tokenization

Real-Estate Tokenization

Make your real estate investments accessible, digital and global through a legally compliant token structure. Tokenization of commercial real estate ensures the illiquid assets are digitized, thereby, making the investments as world’s largest and most secure of asset classes.

Art Tokenization

The fractional ownership of existing art pieces helps artists and galleries with viable businesses by making paintings into commodities and adding a monetary value. This opens up the art world into uncharted territory where the decision-makers are the investors or the token holders.

Stable Coins

Stablecoins are hailed as the Holy-grail of cryptocurrency market. Beyond the stable value for the trade and investments, stablecoins also allow exchanges to get their hands on the much needed liquidity.

VC Fund Tokenization

Tokenization helps investors keep track of their Investment Funds without the need for an intermediary. The VC fund tokens comply with financial regulations and allows investors to buy and sell tokens in the trading platform or over the counter(OTC).

Illiquid Asset Tokenization

There are many assets which cannot be readily converted to cash. These could be current, fixed or even intangible assets. These can be tokenized without any loss of value with an increased trading volume , thereby, yielding profits for the investors and the project.

Mining Repository Tokenization

Mining repository is a highly illiquid asset which is an ideal industry for tokenization. Gold backed cryptocurrency, silver backed cryptocurrency or a renewable energy cryptocurrency are the future of commodity and futures trading helping highly illiquid assets become liquid.

Steps to Tokenized Asset Offerings!

  • Step 1

    Finding the Illiquid asset to tokenize such as commercial estate. We at Goodsecurities carry out our due diligence for tokenization.

  • Step 2

    Our auditing and financial consultants will advise on the jurisdiction checks with regards to the asset titles such as zero debts and any other parameters specified by owner.

  • Step 3

    A Special Purpose Vehicle or Entity(SPV/SPE) is formed especially when tokenizing commercial real estate which would own the complete assets under the SPV/SPE.

  • Step 4

    The technology behind the Tokenization of the Asset is the strength of Goodsecurities. We believe ERC-20 is not an ideal solution for TAO due to the gas prices, congestion of networks and changes in protocols. Goodsecurities will build customized blockchains with inbuilt smart contracts on top of the Ethereum or in Hyperledger or Stellar.

  • Step 5

    The valuation of the assets are scrutinized by auditing firm , post-which a value per token is suggested and the issuance company such as yours can issue a token at that price.

  • Step 6

    Once the token is developed with regulations embedded into the smart contract, a dashboard will be provided for investor management for the issuer and fund management for the investors. The dashboards include KYC/AML, Accredited Investor verification and voting rights in-built for investors and project owners.

  • Step 7

    The tokens are offered through a Tokenized Asset Offering(TAO) for investors to purchase a legally compliant token under the framework of the legal requirements. As the smart contract ensures the automation of regulatory requirements, there are no requirements of third party intermediaries such as transfer agents.

  • Step 8

    Once the TAO is completed, the token are to be listed on the Security Token Exchanges for investors to trade on the secondary market. These can also be traded through Over The Counter(OTC) where the accredited investors can trade directly with the token holders.

  • Asset Token Packages​

    Legally Compliant Token Architecture Pakage 1 Pakage 2 Pakage 3
    Custom Ethereum Token
    Own Blockchain
    Hyperledger Burrow
    Integrated Voting Rights Platform
    Token Wallet as per Regulatory Protocol
    Investor Managment Dashboard
    Automated KYC/AML Integration
    Automated Accredited Investor Verification
    Stake Holder Registry
    Integrated Dividend Issuance Platform
    KYC/AML records Registry
    Accredited Investors Registry
    Market Capitalization Details
    Funds Raised & Investment Details
    Integrated Help Desk on Dashboard
    Audit Reports & Checklists
    Portfolio Management for Investors
    Announcements within Dashboard
    Uploading Legal Documents & Disclaimers
    Investor Prospectus
    Whitepaper (Owner's Manual)
    Customized Website
    Legal & Regulations
    Preliminary Checks
    Development of Documents
    Customized Website
    Token Purchase Agreement
    Development of the Token’s Legal Structure
    Disclaimers for the website and marketing materials
    Token Crowdsale Terms
    Private Placement Agreement with Private Investors
    Legal Opinion on the Sale of Tokens
    SAFT Agreement
    Token Purchase Agreement
    Company Valuation Audit
    Incorporation - Pre STO
    Establishment of the holding company in Malta
    Establishment of the holding company in USA
    Establishment of the Maltese trading company
    Establishment of the USA trading company
    Company Valuation Audit
    Registration of the Operation Company
    Legal Agreements between Holding
    and Main Operational Company
    Local Directors if Required
    Registered Office
    Tax Compliance
    Application of Licenses
    During STO
    Liaise with MFSA & MDIA for Compliance
    Liaise with SEC for Compliance
    Post STO
    Accounting & Book Keeping
    Legally Compliant Token Architecture
    Pakage 1
    Custom Ethereum Token
    Integrated Voting Rights Platform
    Token Wallet as per Regulatory Protocol
    Investor Managment Dashboard
    Automated KYC/AML Integration
    Automated Accredited Investor Verification
    Stake Holder Registry
    Integrated Dividend Issuance Platform
    KYC/AML records Registry
    Accredited Investors Registry
    Market Capitalization Details
    Funds Raised & Investment Details
    Integrated Help Desk on Dashboard
    Audit Reports & Checklists
    Announcements within Dashboard
    Uploading Legal Documents & Disclaimers
    Investor Prospectus
    Whitepaper (Owner's Manual)
    Customized Website
    Legal & Regulations
    Preliminary Checks
    Development of Documents
    Customized Website
    Token Purchase Agreement
    Development of the Token’s Legal Structure
    Disclaimers for the website and marketing materials
    Token Crowdsale Terms
    Private Placement Agreement with Private Investors
    Legal Opinion on the Sale of Tokens
    SAFT Agreement
    Token Purchase Agreement
    Legally Compliant Token Architecture
    Pakage 2
    Own Blockchain
    Hyperledger Burrow
    Integrated Voting Rights Platform
    Token Wallet as per Regulatory Protocol
    Investor Managment Dashboard
    Automated KYC/AML Integration
    Automated Accredited Investor Verification
    Stake Holder Registry
    Integrated Dividend Issuance Platform
    KYC/AML records Registry
    Accredited Investors Registry
    Market Capitalization Details
    Funds Raised & Investment Details
    Integrated Help Desk on Dashboard
    Audit Reports & Checklists
    Portfolio Management for Investors
    Announcements within Dashboard
    Uploading Legal Documents & Disclaimers
    Investor Prospectus
    Whitepaper (Owner's Manual)
    Customized Website
    Legal & Regulations
    Preliminary Checks
    Development of Documents
    Customized Website
    Token Purchase Agreement
    Development of the Token’s Legal Structure
    Disclaimers for the website and marketing materials
    Token Crowdsale Terms
    Private Placement Agreement with Private Investors
    Legal Opinion on the Sale of Tokens
    SAFT Agreement
    Token Purchase Agreement
    Company Valuation Audit
    Incorporation - Pre STO
    Establishment of the Maltese trading company
    Company Valuation Audit
    Registration of the Operation Company
    Legal Agreements between Holding and Main Operational Company
    Local Directors if Required
    Registered Office
    Tax Compliance
    Application of Licenses
    During STO
    Liaise with MFSA & MDIA for Compliance
    Post STO
    Accounting & Book Keeping
    Legally Compliant Token Architecture
    Pakage 3
    Hyperledger Burrow
    Integrated Voting Rights Platform
    Token Wallet as per Regulatory Protocol
    Investor Managment Dashboard
    Automated KYC/AML Integration
    Automated Accredited Investor Verification
    Stake Holder Registry
    Integrated Dividend Issuance Platform
    KYC/AML records Registry
    Accredited Investors Registry
    Market Capitalization Details
    Funds Raised & Investment Details
    Integrated Help Desk on Dashboard
    Audit Reports & Checklists
    Portfolio Management for Investors
    Announcements within Dashboard
    Uploading Legal Documents & Disclaimers
    Investor Prospectus
    Whitepaper (Owner's Manual)
    Customized Website
    Legal & Regulations
    Preliminary Checks
    Development of Documents
    Customized Website
    Token Purchase Agreement
    Development of the Token’s Legal Structure
    Disclaimers for the website and marketing materials
    Token Crowdsale Terms
    Private Placement Agreement with Private Investors
    Legal Opinion on the Sale of Tokens
    SAFT Agreement
    Token Purchase Agreement
    Company Valuation Audit
    Incorporation - Pre STO
    Establishment of the holding company in USA
    Establishment of the USA trading company
    Company Valuation Audit
    Registration of the Operation Company
    Legal Agreements between Holding and Main Operational Company
    Local Directors if Required
    Registered Office
    Tax Compliance
    Application of Licenses
    During STO
    Liaise with SEC for Compliance
    Post STO
    Accounting & Book Keeping

    Blockchain Technology

    Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisciThe Ethereum Blockchain with ERC-20 does not suffice the requirements of the asset backed tokens. The major issues include gas prices, congestion in the networks and protocol issues. To overcome the issues, Blockchain App Factory develops customized scalable blockchain and smart contracts to fit the requirements either on Ethereum or Hyperledger or Steng elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    The following are the features :

    Legally Compliant Tokens

    The tokens issued are embedded with smart contract which has the regulations of the registered jurisdiction coded. These include legal frameworks of fundraising, investor qualification rules & transaction limits on transfer.

    Global Investor Participation

    Issuance companies face problems during secondary trading when different countries are involved. Our tokens can be traded across borders with the idea that the tokens issued are securities and must comply with securities laws. The token sales and secondary trading are developed with conditionality on the smart contract.


    Blockchain ensures all the transactions including the conditional are visible to the financial regulators. The benefits of a transparent ecosystem will help the cryptocurrency market under the purview of the government regulation. The process of transfer agents are being automated the entrepreneurs can raise funds in a simpler and a cost effective way.


    At Goodsecurities, we develop a technology which allows the issuance companies to reissue tokens to the investors if the investor loses their wallet keys subject to terms and conditions. The wallet must compatible to the legal requirements and investor must have the right to reclaim his lost tokens.

    Voting Rights

    A proprietary voting platform built on blockchain enhances security, transparency and scalability which is stored on a distributed ledger. An ecosystem of governance is created for your companies security token structure to meet your needs. This reduces the overhead in the voting process and makes the governance of your organization easier and increase trust among your investors.

    • The voting rights platform ensures a peer to peer, trustless secret ballot immune to intermediary attack and exposes vote manipulation if any.

    • Through a off-chain layer, we ensure the scalability of the platform which can handle millions of votes per minute.

    • Transparency is inherent to blockchain and the stakeholder can verify every vote in the system through fully auditable codes.

    • There is no single point of weakness in the system with minimal risk of being compromised due to the decentralized nature of the system.

    KYC/AML Automation

    In the regulated TAO, the basic requirements are KYC/AML verification reduces the risk through reputation scoring which helps issuance companies identify high-risk individuals . This helps you prove your investor’s identity,risk-based authentication and preventing identity fraud. In addition, you can also reduce money laundering activities.

    KYC/AML automation help in efficient onboarding of the investors in a quicker time frame.. In addition, you can stay ahead of the regulations through a flexible interface where you can respond to new developments with ease.

    Accredited Investor Verification

    In a simple, reliable and confidential interface companies can verify their investors. When the client signs up for our TAO, a simple questionnaire, few certification requirements along with the uploading of supporting documents are sent to their mail.

    We take the necessary steps in a legal way to verify the accredited investors. It is important to note that the background verification must be done via professionally licensed attorneys with ethical codes maintaining confidentiality.

    Investor Prospectus

    An Investor Prospectus is a document which will explain your project and the requirements of fundraising. Previously known as a whitepaper, the owner’s manual will consist of the following :

    • Legal Disclaimer

    • Letter to Investor

    • Executive Summary

    • Problem Statement

    • Solution

    • Token Technology

    • Tokenomics

    • Dividend Distribution

    • Financial Summary

    • Team

    • Conclusion

    Asset Tokenization Platform

    A customized end-to-end tokenized assets issuance platform for issuers and their specific target industry. Issuance companies can tokenize their assets such as commercial or residential real-estate.

    As an issuance company, you can provide Tokenization as a Service and the tokens generated has the following features :

    • Automated Compliance with Blockchain & Smart Contracts.

    • Globalized KYC/AML Verification

    • Multi-Ledger Security Token Development(EOS, Hyperledger or Stellar)

    • Automated Policy and Regulations with Smart Contracts

    • Non-Fungible Tokens for every Security Token Issuer

    • Automated reporting to Regulatory Authorities

    • Tokens issued have an interoperability layer for exchanges across the world